Saturday, July 24, 2010

Next TJ NDP Rehearsal.

Date: 5 August 2010

Attire: Half Uniform for both Guard Of Honour & Supporting Contingent.

For Guard Of Honour, Attire: Half Uniform, Number 3 trousers, Number 1 beret crest, G.O.H T-shirt.

For Supporting Contingent: Half Uniform, Number 3 trousers and standardised T-shirt.

Reporting Time: 2.30pm

Venue: Yuan Ching Secondary.

* Please report PUNCTUALLY.

NPCC Service Day 2010. (28/7/10)

For: All Sec 1 to Sec 3 NPCC Cadets

Venue: Taman Jurong Blk 345-355

Reporting Time: 2pm Reporting Place: Yuan Ching Secondary School.

Reporting Attire: Npcc Full Uniform

Dismissal Time: 5.15pm Dismissal Venue: Yuan Ching Secondary School.

Please consume lunch before reporting.

Thank You.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Congratulations to all NPCC cadets for a successful YCSS Official Opening!

Now practice more for the Taman Jurong NDP!

Signing out CPL Mohd Hakim.
