Monday, October 20, 2014

Sec 3 Leadership Training Workshop - 11th July 2014

Sec 3 Leadership Training Workshop 

11th July 2014

Click here for more more

NPCC Annual Overseas Trip

NPCC Overseas Trip 2014

Visit to an orphanage in KLUANG

For more pics, click here.

STC and ATC @ Camp Resilience - 5th July 2014

STC and ATC @ Camp Resilience - 5th July 2014

AREA 17 Group Picture

For more pics, click here

VIA Project - 18th July 2014

VIA Project - 18th July 2014

The cadets did the VIA project on Dengue Prevention via a series of inspections and visits to the residents around the vicinity. They equip the residents with dengue prevention tips via interactions with the residents and giving out NEA related pamphlets.

Checking for stagnant water and potential breeding grounds

For more pics, Click here

Unit Camp - 25th June 2014

Unit Camp - 25th June 2014

Preparing dinner - outdoor cooking style

Click here for more pictures

Sec 1 NPCC Cadet Swearing In Ceremony - 30th August 2014

Sec 1 NPCC Cadet Swearing In Ceremony 

30th August 2014

For more pics, click here

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Sec 2 Unarmed Tactics Course - 19th April 2014

Unarmed Tactics Course

The chorus answer of "Move Back, Sir!" echoed through the hall as the cadets are taught self defense tactics to get out of sticky situations.

For more pictures and videos, click here.

Don't Mess with me~~~ I meant Business :)

Sunday, April 6, 2014

NPAP 2014 - 5th April 2014

NPAP 2014 @ Home Team Academy

After weeks of arduous training and burnt weekends, the excellent display of the parade brought about the full fruition of your unwavering determination and your relentless pursuit for excellence. 

To ALL YCSS CADETS who took part in this year NPAP, we are proud of your achievements. Keep up the good work and strive towards goal of achieving our milestone of 5th consecutive GOLD award next year :)  

Click here for more pictures

Friday, March 28, 2014

NPCC PYA-VIA 2014 - 23rd March 2014 (Jurong Spring CC)

PYA- VIA 2014

Outrage of Modesty Publicity Campaign

Community involvement project with Jurong West NPC

Click here to see more

Reflection of Students

Friday, March 21, 2014

PYA-VIA Event Reminder (23rd March 2014)

Gentle reminder for this coming Sunday Event

Date: 23rd March 2014
Time: 13 15 (reporting time)
Venue: Jurong Spring CC
Attire: Full Uniform

Please turn up for the event punctually as every individual attendance counts and it affects the unit as a WHOLE.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

NPCC HRC @ Pulau Ubin

NPCC HRC @ Pulau Ubin - 18th March 2014

In the early hours of 18th March, the upper secondary cadets assembled in school to prepare for the arduous trip to Pulau Ubin for the HRC Challenge :)

Click on here above for more  :)
The Video Compilation

The Reflection Segment

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Campcraft Competition (Girls Team) - 8th Feb 2014

Campcraft Competition (Girls Team) 

Practicing Hard- Effort Today, Rewards Tomorrow
More to come~~~ Stay Tuned

Friday, January 31, 2014

Happy Chinese New  Year To ALL

Have a Restful Holiday and see you during the next CCA session.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Camp Craft Competition (Boys) - 25th Jan 2014

On the afternoon of 25th Jan 2014, our Boys Team embarked on their campcraft competition in HTA.

Through sheer hard work and perseverance, they managed to set up the complete package within the stipulated 10 minutes window.

Well done for your achievement. You have done the school proud :)
Click on the picture to view the complete album

NPCC CCA Open House on 4th Jan 2014

Students signing up

Patrol Car Showcase

The interior of the patrol car

The commonly used knots

How many of the knots do you know?
