Friday, August 6, 2010

Taman Jurong NDP : Actual Day

This is a reminder to all cadets participating in the TJ NDP this coming sunday.

Please remember the following things :

1) Polish your boots until it shines brightly.
2) Keep your Number 1 or 3 uniform in tip-top condition.
3) Remember to bring what you need on the actual day. (Shirt, boots, belt, beret etc.)
4) We will be performing in a public area, so please be in your best behaviour and have discipline.

  • On the actual day there will be an uniform check so please have your uniform ready for it.
  • Please be punctual and fall in by 2pm sharp.
  • Your belongings will be kept in school and you will bring what you need for the parade to Corporation park
Guys give it everything you've got! Good luck!

That's all folks, CPL Dickson

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